

The benefits of a plant-based protein

The benefits of a plant-based protein

The idea that plant-based diets lack sufficient protein isn’t true. Here are five benefits of eating plant-based proteins :

1 - Low in saturated fat
 High levels of saturated fat in the blood raise cholesterol and contribute to clogged arteries. If your diet is rich in saturated fats (found mostly in meat, dairy and eggs), you are more likely to suffer from heart disease in the years to come. Unsaturated fats (found in nuts and seeds) are the alternative and help to keep your heart healthy.

2 - Free of the growth hormones and antibiotics found in animal proteins.
Modern meat production uses growth hormones and antibiotics. This will always be a major topic of discussion and while you can find antibiotic and hormone-free meat, plant-based proteins are the best option to avoid this altogether.

3 - Alkaline-forming.
A good indicator of whether a food is alkaline-forming is the presence of chlorophyll the greener the food, the better. The typical North American diet is acid-forming (meat, bread etc…) which is not helpful in maintain your body’s naturally alkaline pH. Adding more alkaline-forming foods with a clean, plant-based diet can help you combat inflammation, reduce stress, and protect bone health. 

4 - Easy to digest.
Whole plant-based foods, especially those that are raw, are easy for your body to digest. They contain fiber, which is crucial to proper digestion. Less time spent on digestion means more energy to use throughout your day.

5 - Better for the environment.
We all hopefully want to reduce our personal carbon footprint. Diet affects the environment even more than your commute. Because it takes more water, energy and fuel to produce animal products, switching to plant-based foods offers the planet less harmful consumption and has a huge environmental impact.

here are three examples of complete proteins : 
1 - Hemp Seed
Not only is hemp seed a complete protein, it's also rich in omega-3s. Adding hemp seeds to salads and smoothies is a great way to increase your protein intake.

2 - Quinoa
While it tastes like a grain, quinoa is actually a seed. This gluten free alternative is not only higher in amino acids than many grains, but it also contains essential fatty acids. Swapping out brown rice for a side of quinoa is a good option to get a complete protein boost.

3 - Sea Vegetables
Seaweed, kelp, and other algae have been protein staples to many coastal civilizations for thousands of years. Try swapping kelp noodles for regular pasta, and adding wakame to soups and salads. You can also add chlorella or spirulina to smoothies. 

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